embodiment & alchemy
Embodiment and Alchemy Coaching is opening the doorway to freedom and ease in your life.
As your embodiment coach, I support you in dismantling your unwanted programs, outdated stories, limiting beliefs, and external pressures, releasing blockages and emotional triggers as well as any internal struggle and reoccurring imbalances in your life. I offer guidance in how to breaking down your egoic structure and bringing forth heart-based guidance in your everyday experiences.
The distinctions and concepts we discuss are transformative and powerful in each person experiencing massive breakthroughs in their own lives, should they be willing and open to this shift.
Embodiment & Alchemy Coaching offers support for you in uncovering your purpose and truth, in loving yourself fully and trusting your own inner wisdom; we work through practices that will help you to bring a deeper awareness to your heart, to your intuition, to your third eye, and more. Within embodiment, you can discover peace within your mind and ignition within your heart. And in that space, you can alchemize anything and everything you desire for your life.
YOU are the primary influencer in liberating yourself and discovering your true light and power. When you are ready to make this shift and shed what's not your genuine and authentic self and live your best life, I am here as your guide and coach to assist you in whatever areas of your life you yearn to embody.
Create Your Dream Life
Family Relationships
Feminine Energy
Inner Child & Ancestral
Peace of Mind
Presence & Freeing Self from the Past
Quantum Field Work
Raising Consciousness & Frequency
Self Love, Self Acceptance, Self Empowerment
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Guidance Connection
Thriving in Parenthood
And More! (essentially all topics are welcome)
Meditation Practices
Begin with this one-time single session over the phone. In just 90 minutes, you'll see yourself and your experience of life and relationships in a new way. There are no limits to what we discuss within this session, as anything is on the table. As your coach, I offer instinctual and knowledgeable insight and perspective to your blind spots, areas with which you are feeling stuck, or areas you are ready to experience breakthroughs in for positive progress forward in your life. What serves your higher self and your highest good will come forward in meaningful and impactful ways, offering an opening for your truest potential and most authentic self. From our session, you will leave with action items for intentional integration and application into your daily life.
Upon scheduling your Foundation 90 session, you will submit a short questionnaire, which significantly helps me in getting to know you in a few key areas prior to our session. The change you are seeking starts in your mind and willingness to take the first step forward. Start here.
For new clients only.
5 sessions over 6 weeks (one flex-week as needed)
A powerful 6-week personal growth journey. Five one-on-one Coaching sessions (60 minutes each). This accountability container offers further discussion into your personal and energetic shifts thus far. Cultivate 5 coaching commitment creates an even greater opportunity for support as you gain clarity, have questions and roadblocks come up, and helps you to identify action steps to take forward as it aligns with your highest good. Being able to apply your transformation in everyday life is fundamental in your expansion, and I am here to support you in that expansion. Take YOU to the next level.
For established clients only.
(6) approximate 15-25 minutes each.
This is an opportunity for "sporadic" coaching, as things come up in real life where you unexpectedly want perspective and coaching. Each Exchange 6 (back and forth communication) is a max of 25 minutes between client and coach and typically audio messages (Telegram or Signal apps work great for these).
For established clients only.
HOW DO I KNOW IF COACHING IS RIGHT FOR ME?Ask yourself -- Are you ready to invest in your personal growth and willing to put in the time and energy necessary to make the desired changes? Are you feeling the instinctual "tug" that there's more for you to discover or accomplish in this life? Are you open to considering new perspectives? Would having an objective and supportive coach on your journey make a difference in reaching your goals? If you answered YES to any of these, then let's connect! Spiritual Embodiment Coaching is for those who are looking to expand beyond 'good' and are ready for 'great'. These sessions are for action-takers. Hearing the information is great, but exciting growth and massive change within takes action on your part, takes inner drive and dedication.
WHAT ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF SUPPORT TOPICS YOU OFFER?Essentially, all topics are welcome! If it's coming up in your life, then let's discuss it. Some areas I am passionate about include: ascension, channeling & meditation, creating your life by design, detoxification, discovering presence & peace of mind, discovering your purpose and innate gifts, ego vs heart, family relationships, feminine & masculine energies within us all, inner child & ancestral trauma healing & triggers, manifestation, mindful eating & high frequency foods, quantum field work, raising children & thriving in parenthood, raising consciousness & frequency, releasing limitations & external belief systems, self empowerment (+honor, acceptance, love), shadow work, spiritual awakening, tapping into your inner & spiritual guidance, and more.
WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT FROM OTHER COACHES?Clients value my coaching and highly-versed insight because it goes deeper than any other "life coach" or therapist they've experienced. We don't look at the surface, or even the direct under-layer beneath. We go sometimes ten-layers deep, unleash stuck energies, cultivate healing skills, discover what it means to live from the heart, from pure excitement and joy, and more. Clients appreciate how I explain complex concepts in a way that's easy to understand. Humans can learn information all day long from textbooks and other informative coaching, and that information might stick with you on a mental level. But the areas we discuss are transformational concepts that shifts your being on an entirely different level, and that creates true and lasting change.
Aside from reaching my primary goals, WHAT ARE THE OTHER BENEFITS I CAN RECEIVE FROM COACHING?The additional benefits are actually the greater gifts in this coaching work. Along with discovering clarity and action around your initial goals, additional benefits include: Deeper connection, love, and honor of self A stillness within the mind Fear, anxiety, and other restrictive feelings dissipate Greater compassion for others A clearer and higher consciousness, like a veil has been lifted A presence and peacefulness within your relationships with others An amplified sense of purpose & clarity Tools within to work through your triggers and challenges Self confidence and self empowerment Seeing the outside world in a whole new way The possibilities are endless because everything is possible!
WHAT'S THE BEST WAY TO PREPARE FOR MY UPCOMING SESSION?Be sure to fill out each inquiry in the questionnaire that you'll receive upon scheduling your session or package. Allow yourself care and thought in answering the questions because it gives us a real and authentic look at where you're at, from the start of our session. The questionnaire should be completed 24 hours before your scheduled session. Allow yourself ample sleep and hydration preceding your session, and I encourage you to do some journaling the day of your session, writing down fresh thoughts on what you'd like to accomplish or discuss with your coach, how you're feeling, or anything that's coming up. You are welcome to share those with me during our session or keep them to yourself as "records" along your journey. Honor yourself during the time with your coach, meaning find a quiet and calm space for the call. Put your phone on do-not-disturb, and remind friends or family that you are not to be interrupted during this time. Allow yourself to be fully present to maximize what you get from the session. You are welcome to record the session.
WHAT CAN I EXPECT AFTER MY COACHING SESSION?Listen to your body and your heart. Extra hydration and sleep is encouraged as your body integrates the energetic and information downloads from our session. I always recommend that you journal directly after your session and for the days following. Pay attention to what comes up. Allow yourself to feel the highs and lows; give yourself tons of grace, patience, and love. Usually there is a lot of releasing happening within the body and that can show as emotional release, physical purging, etc. Integrate calming music, guided meditation, or meditation sound healing into your daily practice as you integrate all that we discussed.
HOW MUCH TIME DOES IT TAKE?The length of our coaching partnership is entirely up to you and depends on your goals and preferences, as well as your work style and readiness for your transformation into your most authentic and intentionally designed life. Clients may reach their intended results within a 3-6 months of regular coaching and desire periodic coaching beyond that. Other clients may choose to experience the Foundation 90 session only, or will continue with my coaching for years. My commitment is to support each client where ever they are at. I am committed to each human experiencing their fullest and happiest life, to rediscover their soul and connect deeply with their heart. If I can make a difference in one hour for someone, that is priceless. If I get the privilege of working with others for longer, that is perfect too. In this privileged space as your coach, I grow along side each and every one of you and I am forever full of gratitude.